Caught by Gmail’s spam filter ?


One fairly common issue that users encounter is not receiving emails .  The vast majority of time when this occurs the email message has gotten flagged as Gmail’s spam filter by the customers mail server.

Are your email campaigns doing well? Are your subscribers happy with the content you’re sending them? If not, it might be time to check your spam filter settings. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of checking whether or not your email is caught by Gmail’s spam filter, and what you can do if it isn’t.


What are spam and spam filters?


Spam is unsolicited bulk email, meaning messages sent without any valid purpose.
Spam filters are software that help to identify spam from legitimate email.
When you send an email, Gmail scans it for viruses and other malicious content. If Gmail detects any suspicious activity, it may place the email in your spam folder.
You can check to see if an email is in your spam folder by following these steps:

1) Open your Gmail account and log in.
2) In the top right corner of the screen, click Settings.
3) Under the Email tab, Under Spam detection settings, click on a mailbox to open its settings.
4) Under the Spam tab, under the dropdown menu next to Contacts, select All contacts (or just contacts you’ve added).
5) Under the dropdown menu next to Emails, select All emails (or just emails you’ve sent).
6) In the grey box under Received emails from, select All addresses (or just addresses you’ve received).
7) Under the grey box under Sent emails from, select All addresses (or just addresses you’ve sent).


How do spam filters work?


How do spam filters work? Spammers use automated programs to send large numbers of unsolicited emails in an attempt to deceive recipients into thinking that the email is from a known or trusted source. Once a spam filter has identified a spam email, it will mark it as spam and prevent it from being sent to other recipients.


How can I check if my emails are caught by Gmail’s spam filter?


If you are wondering how to check if your emails are caught by Gmail’s spam filter, then the answer is as easy as clicking on the “Spam” tab in your inbox and checking the “Sent Spam” and “Ignored Spam” columns. If either of those columns has a large number next to it, then your email likely falls into one of Gmail’s spam filters and will be considered automatically deleted.



Checking to see if your email is caught by Gmail’s spam filter can be a bit of a pain, but it’s important to do so in order to keep your inbox clean and free from unwanted messages. There are a few ways you can check to see if your email is caught by the spam filter:
– In the main navigation bar at the top of Gmail, click on “Settings.”
– Under “Filters,” click on “Sender Filtering.”
– If your email address appears in the “From:” field, then your email has been caught by Gmail’s spam filter and will need to be treated as spam before it will be delivered.
– If you’re not sure whether or not your email has been caught by Gmail’s spam filter, you can try sending an unspamable message (for example, using and then checking to see if it was marked as Spam in your mailbox.

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