Top 25+ Free Domain Name Suggestion Tool 2024


Whenever we start any new website, one of the most important factors involved in the process is the selection of a domain name. There are many Domain Name Suggestion Tool available on the market, and in today’s post, I have compiled a list of some of the more highly recommended of these tools, which will help you to find domain names based on your keywords or name ideas.


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Table of Contents

How do I find the best domain name to sell?


One approach which I always suggest is to go for a branded or keyword-rich domain name, depending on your new site’s business model. If you are creating a micro-niche site, it’s always a good idea to shoot for a name that has your keyword in it.

If you’re looking for long-term engagement, I would suggest that you go for a branded name like ShoutMeLoud, Labnol, Lifehacker, and so on. 

Branded names such as these are very useful in the long run and create a significant impact. In particular, a name that is easy to remember will always be helpful. Try not to use a name that is hard to spell or type.


List of Domain Name Suggestion Tool:


Before you use any of the following tools, I highly recommend that you read the following tutorial:

So let’s start with a handy list of sites that will help you to find the best domain name for your new site.
You can buy a domain directly from any of the services Domain available or sold



Some of them find listings from the used domain marketplace


Lean Domain Search – Discover Available Domains Instantly

Lean Domain Search is a powerful tool that helps you discover available domain names instantly. By entering a keyword, it generates a list of relevant suggestions combined with popular words. The tool also provides additional features such as filtering results by popularity, length, and alphabetical order, making it easier to find the perfect match.



instantdomainsearch is a powerful free domain tool that allows you to quickly find the perfect domain by using various filters such as keyword relevance, availability of social media accounts, and more. It also provides detailed information about each domain including its age, backlink count, and Alexa ranking. Furthermore, it helps you monitor your domains with daily alerts and lets you know when it’s time to register a domain.

Whichever domain tool you choose, remember that the perfect domain should be simple, memorable, and easy to spell. It should also effectively represent your brand and help differentiate yourself from competitors. With these tips in mind, you’ll easily find a great domain for your business. is a next-level domain tool that offers powerful features such as an AI-powered domain search, keyword suggestion engine, and more. It helps you quickly find the perfect domain for your business by filtering results based on various criteria such as length, keywords, language, availability of related social media accounts, and more. Moreover, it also provides in-depth analytics about each domain, enabling you to make an informed decision before purchasing.

With a variety of domain tools available, it is easy to find the perfect domain for your business. Whether you need a creative and catchy domain name or one that has high search engine visibility, these tools enable you to quickly explore options and choose the right one for your needs.


BustAName (Free & Best)


Bust Name is my First favorite domain search tool after Domainsbot. It makes your mind mapping so easy, with lots of suggestions and words. You can add multiple keywords, and it jumbles them to see if there are any available domain names. You can quickly add a prefix or suffix which also makes it easier to find your desired domain name.




NameMesh is a domain name generator that helps you instantly find creative and catchy domains for your business. It offers simple yet powerful search filters such as length, keywords, common terms, prefixes and suffixes, rhyming words, and more. is an ultimate domain tool that provides detailed data points for every possible domain. It enables you to quickly filter results based on various criteria such as words, language, availability of social media accounts, and more. Its intuitive design makes it easy to find the perfect domain in a few clicks without wasting time searching through multiple sources.

Name Station – Innovative AI Domain Name Generator


Name Station is an innovative domain name generator powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It uses advanced algorithms to generate hundreds of relevant suggestions, allowing you to quickly find the perfect domain name for your business or website.

With filters for length, popularity, and more, you can easily refine your results and hone in on the best options. In addition, Name Station provides detailed analytics and domain information to ensure that you choose the right name for your needs. With its powerful AI search capabilities, Name Station is the ultimate tool for finding your ideal domain name.

Panabee – Embrace Your Brand Identity


Panabee is a user-friendly domain name suggestion tool that helps you find unique and brandable domain names effortlessly. By entering keywords or phrases, Panabee generates domain name ideas while also checking for social media username availability. This feature ensures consistency across all your online platforms and helps you maintain a strong brand identity.

iWantMyName – Search Platform for Domain Names


iWantMyName is a powerful search platform providing access to hundreds of domains. This tool makes it easy to find and register available domain names quickly, with options to compare prices and check availability across different registrars. With its intuitive interface and powerful search capabilities, iWantMyName simplifies the process of finding the perfect domain name for your website or business. The platform also provides detailed analytics and a comprehensive set of features, giving you the tools you need to make an informed decision about the right name for your needs.

Domaintyper – Comprehensive Domain Search Tool

Domaintyper is a comprehensive domain search tool that helps you find the perfect domain name for your website or business. It provides access to powerful features such as fast search filters, wildcard character support, monitoring of availability, and more. Moreover, it gives you detailed information about each potential domain so you can make an informed decision about which one is the best for your needs.



IsItWP is an instant domain research tool that provides detailed data points for each potential domain. It helps you evaluate the quality of domains by providing key metrics such as Google PageRank, Domain Authority, Alexa Rank, and more. Moreover, it enables you to filter results based on specific criteria such as keyword relevance, backlink count, age, and more. This makes it easier to find ideal domains quickly and accurately without wasting time.

DomainsBot – Highly Flexible Domain Search Tool

DomainsBot is a highly flexible domain search tool that offers powerful features such as wildcard characters, quick filters, and detailed analytics. It helps you find the perfect domain by enabling you to quickly filter results based on multiple criteria including exact words or phrases, language, length, and more. Moreover, it provides in-depth insights about each domain, such as the availability of related social media accounts.

NameMesh is a domain name generator that helps you instantly find creative and catchy domains for your business. It offers simple yet powerful search filters such as length, keywords, common terms, prefixes and suffixes, rhyming words, and more.

Domain Hunter Plus – Advanced Bulk Domain Research Tool

Domain Hunter Plus is an advanced bulk domain research tool that helps you find hundreds of potential domains with ease. It offers powerful search filters such as domain extensions, keywords, age, backlinks, and more. Additionally, it provides detailed analytics about each result so you can quickly determine which domains are most suitable for your purpose. It also allows you to set up monitoring for potential domains and receive instant notifications when they become available.

Nameboy – Easy-to-Use Domain Name Generator

Nameboy is an easy-to-use domain name generator that helps you create memorable and unique domains for your business. It provides advanced search filters such as misspellings, keywords, rhyming words, prefixes and suffixes, and more. Additionally, it allows you to save your favorite domains for convenient future access.

Domainr is an intuitive domain search tool that enables you to quickly find available domains for your business. It offers powerful features such as the ability to filter results by language, length, and availability of various extensions. Additionally, it allows you to check whether a particular domain name has already been taken or not.

Dynadot: (Free)


Dynadot is another simple domain suggestion tool that allows you to make changes in your domain search. You can decide the placement of your keyword for domain name suggestions. What makes this tool worth a mention is that it allows you to add your keyword and combine it with many keyword suggestions. For example, add it with an animal’s name, add a prefix or suffix, and check availability. In short, it tumbles names to find available domain names

Domain: (Free)


This tool allows you to search for domain names with the extensions .com, .cc.TV, .net. By default, the adult name suggestion is off, though you can turn it on. This would not be a good idea, however, as many firewalls block access to sites based on keywords in the domain name


Domainhole – The Ultimate Domain Name Generator


Domainhole takes the top spot on our list with its comprehensive set of seven inbuilt brainstorming tools. This powerful tool allows you to enter keywords, specify word length, and even generate domain names with specific extensions. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Domainhole makes it easy to find the perfect available domain name that suits your needs.



Nameocean is another powerful domain search tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features. It helps you find the right domain by quickly filtering results based on keywords, language, availability of social media accounts, and more. Moreover, it provides real-time pricing information for each domain so you can make an informed decision.

Overall, these tools provide the ideal platform to quickly and accurately identify the perfect domain for your business. With powerful search filters, detailed analytics, and intuitive designs, you can find the ideal domain in no time. So why wait? Start exploring these tools today to create a unique online identity for your business!


Domaintyper – A User-Friendly Domain Search Tool


Domaintyper is a user-friendly domain search tool that stands out for its simplicity and efficiency. It allows you to search for available domain names effortlessly and provides valuable insights into their availability. Its features include real-time domain name suggestions and the ability to save your favorite names for future consideration.

NameMesh – A Creative Domain Name Generator


NameMesh is a versatile domain name generator that offers various options to meet your specific needs. It combines keywords, suffixes, prefixes, and even allows you to specify the domain extension. With its flexible features, NameMesh enables you to create unique and catchy domain names that align perfectly with your brand.

Nameboy – A Classic Domain Name Generator

Nameboy, a trusted name in domain name generation, continues to offer valuable services. With its classic domain name generator, you can enter primary and secondary keywords to receive a list of creative suggestions. Nameboy also provides tips and resources to guide you through the process of selecting the perfect domain name for your website.

Wordoid – Create Memorable and Unique Names


Wordoid is an innovative tool that specializes in generating memorable and unique domain names. By combining keywords, specifying quality levels, and selecting languages, Wordoid creates catchy and brandable domain name suggestions. Its creative approach makes it ideal for businesses looking to stand out from the competition.

Domain Name Brainstorming by WebHostingGeeks


WebHostingGeeks offers a comprehensive domain name brainstorming tool that combines the power of keyword input with creative suggestions. This tool generates relevant domain name ideas based on user input, helping you find the perfect match for your website or business. Its intuitive interface and customizable search options make the brainstorming process a breeze.

Shopify Business Name Generator – Unleash Your Creativity


Shopify, a renowned e-commerce platform, offers a free Business Name Generator tool that helps you brainstorm unique domain names. Simply enter relevant keywords, and the tool generates a list of creative suggestions. With Shopify’s reputation for excellence, you can trust their tool to deliver compelling and brandable domain name ideas.

Business Name Generator – Automatic Domain Name Suggestions

Business Name Generator is a free online tool that can help you find the perfect domain name for your website or business. This intuitive tool uses powerful algorithms to generate hundreds of potential domain names based on keywords and criteria you provide. It also provides detailed analytics and information about each suggestion, giving you the tools you need to make an informed decision about the right domain name for your needs.

Domain Wheel – Comprehensive Domain Research and Analysis Tool

Domain Wheel is a comprehensive domain research and analysis tool that provides access to detailed information about domain ownership, registrars, hosting providers, and more. It helps you evaluate the quality of potential domains by providing detailed metrics on each option. Moreover, it gives you real-time suggestions for alternative domains based on your criteria as well as trending topics and keyword research ideas to help you make an informed decision.

DomainTools – Comprehensive Domain Research Tool


DomainTools is a comprehensive domain research tool providing access to valuable information on domain ownership, registrars, hosting providers, and more. This tool provides a range of powerful features, including domain registration history, hosting records, and WHOIS lookups to ensure that you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision about your domain choice. With its comprehensive suite of tools, DomainTools helps you find the perfect domain name for your business or website.

FAQ Section

Are these domain name suggestion tools really free?

Yes, all the tools mentioned in this article offer free domain name suggestions. However, some may have premium features or optional upgrades available for additional functionality.

Can I register the domain name directly through these tools?

No, these tools primarily focus on generating domain name suggestions. To register a domain name, you will need to choose a registrar or hosting provider and follow their registration process.

Can I use these tools to check domain name availability?

Yes, most of the tools mentioned in this article have an option to check domain name availability before you purchase it. This can help you determine if a particular name is already taken or not. Additionally, some services may also provide additional information about a domain name such as its age and registration status.

Are there any tools that can help me search for domain names with keywords?

 Yes, some services such as Domainr offer advanced search filters such as misspellings, keywords, rhyming words, prefixes and suffixes, and more. This makes it easier to find domain names related to your business or website topic.

What are the best tools for researching domain names?


Domainr, NameMesh and Wordoid are all great options for researching domain names. Each of these tools offer different features to help you find the perfect domain name for your project. Additionally, they all provide additional information about a particular domain name such as its availability and registration status.

Can I purchase a domain name directly from these tools?

 No, these tools are primarily used for generating domain name suggestions and researching potential names. To actually purchase the domain name, you will need to select a registrar or hosting provider and follow their registration process. These services usually have an easy-to-follow process for purchasing and registering a domain name.

Are there any other online resources I can use to research domain names?

A7. Yes, many websites provide information about buying domains such as DomainTools, WhoIs and ICANN Lookup. These sites offer detailed reports about the registration status of particular domain names as well as historical data and other useful information. Additionally, it’s worth considering some of the more popular domain registrar sites such as GoDaddy and NameCheap which offer simple search capabilities to help you find the right domain name for your project.

Are there any other factors I should consider when selecting a domain name?

Yes, it’s important to select a domain name that is easy to remember and type in correctly. Your domain name should also reflect the nature of your online content or business. Additionally, you may want to consider if there are any trademark issues associated with a particular domain name. It’s also worth considering any potential future changes such as rebranding or domain name renewals. Finally, you should also make sure that your domain name is not in use by another website so as to avoid potential duplicate content issues with search engines.

What is domain hosting?


Domain hosting refers to the process of storing and delivering web content from a website or application on the internet. After you have purchased your domain name, you will need to find a hosting provider who can store and serve your website content to visitors. This usually involves renting space on a server as well as providing support and maintenance services. Hosting providers often offer different plans to suit various needs and budgets, so it’s worth researching all of your options carefully before making a decision.

How do I choose the best hosting provider?

Choosing the best hosting provider for your website depends on a variety of factors such as the size and complexity of your website, the amount of storage or bandwidth you need, and the level of maintenance services you require. It’s important to compare different hosting providers on these criteria in order to select one that best fits your requirements.

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