How do I recover permanently deleted posts on Blog ?

It’s inevitable that at some point you will accidentally deleted posts on Blog. Maybe you were cleaning up your blog and decided to delete all of the posts at once, or maybe you inadvertently hit the “Delete Post” button while typing. Regardless of the reason, if you want to recover a post that has been deleted permanently, there is no easy way to do so.

In this article, we will show you how to recover permanently deleted posts on Blog using a manual approach. This process may seem time-consuming, but it is actually fairly simple and can be completed in just a few minutes.


What is Blog Post Deleted?

Blog posts can be deleted in a number of ways, including if they are deleted by the blog owner, if they are deleted by a moderator, or if they are deleted by a user. If you delete a post and you don’t want it to be permanently deleted, there is still a chance you can recover it.


Different Types of Blog Post Deleted


Blog deletions can be accidental or intentional. Accidental deletions happen when a user’s computer crashes and leaves behind deleted posts. Intentional deletions are more common and can be done by the blog owner or administrator in an effort to clean up the blog. If you’re unsure whether your post was deleted accidentally or intentionally, try to find out by following these steps:

1. Check the “History” tab on your blog post. If it’s been edited since it was deleted, you’ll see that information here. This will help you determine whether the post was accidentally deleted or if it was purposely removed by the blog owner/administrator.

2. Look for any links to your post on other websites. If someone copied and pasted your post into their own blog, they may have included a link to it. look for these links and see if you can find a backup of your post that you can access using Google Docs or another online tool.

3. Contact the blog owner/administrator and ask them about your post deletion. They may have forgotten to delete it or they may have done it on purpose in order to clean up their blog.


Here Is Step to recover permanently deleted posts




Before Start You have to know about post date or URL , if you don’t know then use SEMrush SEO tools  .



Let’s start to analyze a lot of posts whereby you can regain a post once it gets accidentally removed from your site.
Here We can Find With lost Posts, this post was written on 31st January 2018:-


Step :- 2

You can get all of your deleted information from Google Web Cache


That is just another fantastic tool by Google that shops indexed webpages in its cache which can be seen afterward. It stores the latest indexed pages of a website and doesn’t keep a date-wise copy such as Wayback Machine.

When you have deleted any web page which may be found with this service. This is only one of the best tools by Google Itself to regain your lost information.



Step :- 3

The Wayback Machine will show all of the information regarding your deleted blog. Gather All of the links want to restore

Step :-4


Then produce a brand new blog on a blogger with the same domain name as your previous website, Then import all of the content that you want to restore to the new blog. ( visit on blog written date). Hence You get your content.


Process to recover post


Step :-5


It’s not an automated process and you have to do it manually. Enter all of the links you want to restore from the Wayback Machine and then import them to a blog. You have to copy your post and post on the blog.


Step- 6

Hence change Publish date (Select Previous Delete date )

and Publish Your Post and you will get your Post.



Recovering permanently deleted posts on Blog is not an easy task. However, with the help of a reliable data recovery software, you can easily get your blog back up and running as if nothing ever happened.


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