How To Create Backlinks Step By Step In 2024



In this article, we’ll map every sort of backlink that’s worth building, teach you ways to create them with help of Semrush, and even what order they ought to be inbuilt for max SEO impact. 

Everything we discuss here is practiced daily in our agency and fuels our website rankings (and our client’s website rankings)

This guide  SEMrush backlinks will discuss, in detail, all the various sorts of backlinks and the way to urge them – but without the context of what & why from our link building article, it’s going to be less clear what you ought to do.


What are backlinks?


Backlinks (aka “back links”, “back-links”, “links”, “inbound links”, etc.) are hyperlinks that point to your website but come from other websites.



When Website A hyperlinks to Website B, you can say that Website B just acquired a “backlink” from Website A. Simple enough, right?

SEMrush on of the best platform to analyze and create backlinks.


 Why Are Backlinks Important?


Search engines (especially Google) use backlinks as a ranking factor. Backlinks are analogous to “votes”, “referrals”, a “vouch” or “recommendation” about your website and its content.

Very similar to real life, when multiple people recommend a movie, or restaurant, or music artist, you tend to become interested & develop a sense of trust for that thing. Google works the same way.

The more (quality + relevant) backlinks your website acquires, the higher your content & keywords will rank, and the more relevant traffic will come to your website. It’s awesome. High authority backlinks get high search volume. Here is one example of




How to Get Backlinks


Backlinks fall into 2 main types:

  1. Built ( Best Part of Backlink)
  2. Earned ( May Get Penalty through google and other search Engine

This means that some links you can go out and build yourself with help of SEMrush. This would include things like:

  • Social profile links
  • Blog comments
  • Forum signature links
  • Business directory listings



A quick note on link builders & link building services

There is a seemingly endless amount of link-building service providers on the internet. You can find everything from Citations to SAPE if you know where to look.


Buying links from the wrong person can get you into serious SEO trouble.


Be careful who you get links from. We only recommend getting links from very trusted providers, and we will never recommend someone we have not worked with before – at least not without a gigantic disclaimer.


Make sure you fully trust & vet any person or company before purchasing links from them.


What Makes a Link Good?


Some properties make a link good, and knowing how to evaluate link opportunities is a crucial skill to develop for conducting a successful SEO campaign.


Things that make backlinks good:

  • Authority
  • Relevance
  • Traffic


Backlinks to Avoid

Up to this point, we have talked a lot about backlinks you should acquire, which kind to get and how to do it. But, equally important to the backlinks you GET are the ones to AVOID getting.


The key to mastering this (without having to memorize a bunch of stuff) is to learn how to identify a “bad neighborhood” – and avoid being associated with it. you can analyze toxic backlinks with help of Semrush.


In general, you want to avoid getting links from:

  • Irrelevant websites (unless they are very high DR)
  • Domains in questionable geographies
  • Domains that have been hacked/spammed
  • Domains with toxic or over-optimized anchor text
  • Public Blog Networks
  • Software built backlinks
  • Fiverr


(a) Public Blog Networks

A public blog network is just a PBN (private blog network) that isn’t private. Building and maintaining a private blog network is very time-consuming, expensive, technically difficult, and overall just one giant P.I.T.A.


(b) Software built backlinks

There is a lot of software that builds backlinks these days. They are cheap, fast & can build links in huge quantities. This used to work many years ago, but now it is just a recipe for disaster.


Low Authority backlink can destroy your ranking on google, Here you Can check competitor domain authority with Semrush:-



How To Build High-Quality Backlinks, In The Proper Order


Hopefully, by now, you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of backlinks:

  • What they are
  • Why they are important
  • How to evaluate them
  • Which ones to avoid

If so, then it’s time to get building.

We like to build backlinks in a certain order that follows the most natural progression of backlink types that a website would pick up if they were just doing what most people do.


  1. Foundational Social Profiles
  2. Foundational Business Directories
  3. General Business Directories
  4. Niche Business Directories
  5. Location Business Directories
  6. General Business Authority links
  7. Industry Authority links
  8. Extra Social Profiles
  9. Web 2.0 Blogs
  10. Press Release
  11. Niche relevant blog comments
  12. Niche relevant forum/community links
  13. Guest posts
  14. Link outreach
  15. Competitor Backlinks
  16. PBN links

(a) Foundational Social Profiles

Foundational social profiles are the primary social networking profiles that a normal business owner would set up and utilize for marketing and social promotion.


Some social profiles are so commonly used that Google expects you to have them if you are a real/legitimate business.


Start your backlink building by building business profiles on these foundational profiles.

  • Facebook Business Page
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin Business Page
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest (if visual content is relevant to your industry)


Share and promote your content with Semrush. Publish your content and set it loose. If you have done your homework, your audience will likely help you promote it with gusto. Think about the time of publication based upon your audience’s social habits and build a social media posting schedule to coincide with that.


(b) Foundational Business Directories

After a business sets up its social profiles, the next natural thing to do is create a profile on the major business directories so your business can show up in maps when consumers are searching. These include:

  • Yelp
  • Google My Business
  • Bing Maps
  • Apple Maps
  • Waze
  • Mapquest

Make sure you create a presence on all of the properties – and just like social foundations be sure to fill in as much information as you can.

(c) General Business Directories

General business directories come next. These include a ton of other high authority business directories, such as:

  • Yellowpages
  • Dex
  • Brownbook
  • Foursquare
  • Manta
  • Citysearch

The key to setting up these business directories correctly is to make sure that your information across all of your directories is consistent.


Having a consistent NAP (name, address, phone number) on all the popular business directories will significantly help you to show up highly in map searches when customers are looking for a business in your industry and geography.


(d) Niche Business Directories

Niche business directories are the web directories that are specific to your niche, or at least to your broad industry.

Use these “search strings” in a Google search to find NICHE directories:

  • NICHE + Directory (ex: dentist + directory)
  • NICHE directories (ex: dentist directories)
  • NICHE + “submit site” (ex: dentist + “submit site”)

Make a list of relevant NICHE directories (use Google search or ask us for a pre-vetted list) and get listed!


(e) Location Business Directories

Just like there are business directories categorized by industry/niche there are business directories categorized by locale/geography. If your business is located in a certain city you would want to have a presence on the relevant directories to that city.


For example, let’s pretend you have a business in Los Angeles, California.


Some directories that would be relevant and important for you to have listings in the city-specific directories like:

  • com
  • com
  • org/directory

Use these “search strings” in a Google search to find GEO directories:

  • city + directory
  • directory + city
  • submit my site + city
  • niche + city + directory
  • city + directories

Make a list of relevant GEO directories (use Google search or ask us for a pre-vetted list) and get listed!

(f) General Business Authority links

Business authority links are places similar to business directories but are paid. These include very trusted, authoritative business websites like:

  • com
  • com

These are paid associations where Google recognizes legitimacy. The logic is that if you are willing to pay money for an annual subscription at these business websites, you are less likely to be a spammer and more likely to be a legitimate business that should show up in the maps & on organic search.



(g) Industry Authority links

Industry authority links are like the “general business authority links” – except they are specific to your industry.


Think of Paid Industry Associations, Colleges or Schools you went to, Industry organizations you are a part of, Industry-specific charities or non-profits you donate to, etc. All of these places are potential websites to get backlinks from, and they are very impactful for your SEO.



(h) Extra Social Profiles

Getting additional links from High DR properties is never really a bad idea – unless they are questionable websites like adult themes, gambling, etc. or there is something glaringly weird about it. But in general, the more high DR links you have, the better. They help diversify your link profile, anchor text ratio, and build trust.



(i) Web 2.0 Blogs


The term “Web 2.0” refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content.


(j) Press Release


A press release, news release, media release, press statement, or video release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media to provide information, an official statement, or make an announcement.


Businesses use press releases every day to make announcements they want the general public to know about, like opening a new store. Using a Press Release can be a strategic move for your SEO.


Note: You generally want these links to be NOFOLLOW. One of the rare occasions where you do not want DOFOLLOW links. You also want to keep your anchor text to either Brand Name or Naked URL.


(k) Niche relevant blog comments

Getting blog comments is something natural if you are a business owner and are interacting with your community, answering questions, and trying to be involved in your niche online.

Find relevant blogs and answer people’s questions, or just make comments on articles you read.



(l) Niche relevant forum/community links

Participating in forums is similar to blog comments. Look for forums in your industry, create a profile (most allow you to put a link to your website), and then start engaging in meaningful, value-adding conversations with the users.


These are people who would be your potential customers. Eventually, after you have built some trust and made some comments, you can begin to drop a link to a resource on your website that is valuable & relevant to a forum discussion.

(m) Guest posts

Guest posting is an SEO term, but really what it is in the “natural world” is when a subject matter expert contributes something to another website.


This is very common in industries like health, law, etc. where these experts will write an opinion piece, research paper, or just give their contributions to a reporter creating a story and receive credit for their contribution.


It just happens that in SEO we need that “credit” to be in the form of a do-follow link.

(n) Link outreach

Link outreach (aka skyscraper outreach) is a process where you identify quality pieces of content on your website and reach out to other bloggers so they can link to your content.


It works because you only identify relevant blogs/websites that have already linked to a very similar piece of content – ideally one that is not as comprehensive, or valuable as your resource, and let them know that you have created a piece of content that is even better and they should link to you instead (or in addition to).

(o) Competitor’s Backlinks

For this step, we are classifying your “competitors” as the website that are ranking on Page 1,2,3 for the keyword terms you want to be ranking for.


With the Help of Semrush, we can steal Competitors’ referring backlinks, this is the best part for any backlink.



(p)    PBN Links

PBN (private blog network) links are some of the most powerful links you can build yourself, if not the most powerful.


Building, managing & using a PBN is a very complex process that we will not cover in detail in this article, but if after doing all of the aforementioned backlink building you still need some extra SEO firepower, you should consider creating a small PBN for yourself to utilize


Also Check Bakcklink :-


Social Backlink :-

linkedin 1

linkedin 2



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